Monday, August 13

Full Plate

Hi. I'm Andrea. I own Baa-Baby Naturals, so most of my longies will be for my store. Here are some pictures of what I've got on my "list".

This is what is currently on my needles. Yummy "Donegan" on Merino from Three Irish Girls.

This is my "to-do list".... First up is some "Guinevere" by Mosaic Moon. I'll follow that with some "Strawberry Fields Forever" by Zen String. When those are done, my last custom (so far) will be "Elsbeth" by Three Irish Girls.

So much yarn, so little time!


Kim said...

I am loving that 3IG yarn - can't wait to see what they look like completed!

Knitting Mama said...

I know! Its yummy, isn't it?!

loraine said...

I'm a huge supporter of Three Irish Girls' yarns, for a couple of years now. Always wondered what Donegal looks like knitted. Very pretty. May I call you a name? Enabler. :-)

loraine said...

That would be Donagan, not Donegal. :-)