Friday, August 24

Major mess up!!

I don't know what to do now. I was knitting the regular gusset and after row 5 the instructions just said to continue to knit in pattern, well on row 6, I did the M1R and I K5 by accident, and proceeded Row 7: knit,
row 8: k6,
row 9: knit,
row 10: k7,

instead of K6, K8 and K10, so now I don't know what to do and I am not so comfortable ripping the whole thing out. And I thought I was doing so well! :(


Knit Wit said...

Ok first, relax :) Even experienced knitters make mistakes.

Did you do the same thing on both sides? So you have 9 stitches in your gusset instead of 10? Personally I would just do 9 and go on, unless you really hate the way it looks, but it's the crotch, so it's not like anyone can see it, and it probably looks fine, anyway.

Anonymous said...

I think I have 10 at this point. It doesn't look too bad but the left increases aren't in the correct spots. I did the same on both sides. I just don't want it to loose its stretch.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I am not sure how many I actually have I am thinking I have about 13 or 14??? I did 10 rows in the gusset section, plus 1 row of plain knitting to end the pattern. I started with 40 stitches before any increases, now I have 54 on each side! Does that mean I have 14 stitches in my gusset? I am so confused.

Knit Wit said...

Can you take a closeup picture of the gusset and I can help you count them?