Hi Everyone! My name is Veronica and I'll be making Sheepy Pants from Patons Merino. This is my first pair of longies. I've made soakers, but no longies. I chose the ribbed waist and casted on yesterday. My Joann's started carrying new colorways of the Patons, so I'm very excited with this color.
A little about me...I'm a mom to 3 girls, ages 16, 7, and 16 months (yes you read that right). I'm obviously making the longies for my youngest. I'm also a Managing Editor for a publishing company. I love both my jobs!
I started knitting a few years ago and I love it. I also sew, but I love that knitting is transportable. I can't wait to see everyones finished longies!
oo, i LOVE that colorway!!! why doesn't my joann's have that??? grrr....
Arg.. mine either.. That is fantastic..
Pretty! And you are doing dpns too? Yay! My family has concerns from watching me knit w/ those things... ramblings about poking my eye out or something...
Actually, Robin, we have a dpn related injury in my family! I teach children to knit, and one of them put dpns in my diaper bag, in an outside pocket, and my husband fell on them and puctured his leg. The dpn went in about 3/4 of an inch. I still use them, I just store them away from the children.
Yikes Mandy! I'll be more careful where I leave them laying around... no kids here yet but it wouldn't take a kid to leave them somewhere one might come into contact with them.
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