Tuesday, September 25

Stash enhancement therapy-AKA shopping!!!

Hi all, I had to go into the big smoke for a Drs appointment today so I made sure to leave nice and early and hop the tram into the wool store and lo and behold they had sale stock- So I just HAD to buy some-lol.

Longie and soaker fodder galore. I love the green but only 2 skeins so whether it will be enough for a small sheepy pants with contrast trim I dont know, other wise it will be a soaker.

Kind regards, Mel

(who is desperate for a quiet home day tomorrow so I can knit!


Me said...

oooo looks beautiful

A Bunch of Knits said...

Oh what fun! Gotta love that type of therapy! LOL

she knits said...

Yes indeed, Now the hard part choosing whats 1st and actually finishing whats already started! Not much hope as this wool is calling me and whispering, knit me- Dont you want to see how nice my patterns are? etc. LOL
Regards, Mel

loraine said...

I wanting to see the red worked. LYS- how I wish we had one. We did just get a Michael's so now Wal-Mart isn't our only craft shop. Hhhmmm, I should get a job there.....

she knits said...

HI Lorraine, I want the red too, although I love the green and may do that next as such a small amount I better make it whilst hes still small. The red is a DK, so I am thinking of double stranding, but worried it will ruin the patterning of the wool. I dont have a LYS, I had to travel an hour into the very centre of our capital city Melbourne, Victoria, Australia to buy these. There are closer stores but they are either extremely expensive or only sell junk. These were a bargain at $1.95 per ball for all but the green which was $4.15 and the aqua which was only $1 per ball. I wish I boughht more but my head has more ideas than my hands have time to make-lol.
Vincent wesley looks adorable in the little longies you made.
Regards, Mel

loraine said...
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loraine said...

Ah, you "live in the sticks" (far away from real places) like I do, although we are becoming bigger. Not my hometown.

I live about 2 hrs from Orlando, which is big. :-) Thanks for the compliment about Vincent Wesley. He loves those but I'm going to give them away. Still haven't decided where though. I am almost finished with the newborn ones and they're so cute together. I hope they can go to the same person. Large and newborn.

Oh, I wanted to get some paperwork done today so my brother and SIL took VW and I did the work but also knit for 20 minutes uninterrupted. I was giddy. Hope you found time.