I did it! I finished the sheepy pants! Just in time for it to turn cool here! our high today is mid 60's. I know - some of you are thinkg "that's shorts weather". Well not for this southern girl! I have to say I love our new home and the scenery and even the snow and cold weather (which the snow has not gotten here YET!) but I'm not a cold weather girl! I stay indoors when it's cold LOL - or I at least bundle up a lot! When it reaches mid 60's I'm already in jeans, long sleeve shirt, and a light jacket! Anyway - that was a rabbit trail - I finished dd's longies! I am very pleased with the colorway and how it knit up! Mandie's pattern was awesome and the pattern support is beyond words! guess you'd all like me to shush and show you the longies huh!
well here ya go!
I also finished up a tester pattern for a crocheted pair of longies.
Now I'm working on another tester pattern for some knit longies! I'm using Paton's Classic Merino in the "Retro" colorway! I really like how this colorway knitted up in the swatch! These will be for my best friend's 2 yr old little man! He wants some longies like his baby brother!
well that picture is just plain awful! sorry guys! that is fuzzy! they look nice in person! not sure why the pic uploaded so icky!
That pixel stuff messes those pics up at times. I am loving that colorway the more I see it. I wonder if my sister and BIL would like it? They don't cloth diaper but doesn't mean my new little adopted niece whom we get earlier than expected, yee haw, won't like them. She'd look adorable in them. HHhhhmmmm.....
You're quite the busy knitter there. Have fun.
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